Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Isetta - Paint Swatches

A set of Isetta paint samples that were recently on ebay from a seller in Germany. I would have loved to have these, unfortunately $168.87 was a little out of my price range.

More information on Isetta factory colors can be found on Bruce Fullerton's IsettaTech website. There is a chart in PDF format that list the 30 BMW Isetta factory colors that were available from 1955-1962. The chart includes paint names in German and English, the BMW color code, as well as the Standox and Dupont color codes. There are also samples of color chips here and here.

Friday, March 25, 2011

BMW Isetta - Repair Manual

Cover and title page

Table of contents

Special tools for BMW Isetta

Ramp and dolly for Isetta

Technical data for 250ccm and 300ccm Isetta

Group M - Motor

M1 - Removing and refitting engine

M2 - Removing and refitting engine with transmission

M3 - Removing and refitting clutch

M4, M6 - Readjusting and basic adjustment of clutch

M9 - Dismantling and reassembling engine

M12 - Replacing connecting rod bushing

M14 - Installing new cylinder

M20 - Adjusting valves

M22 - Overhauling cylinder head

M24 - Overhauling crankshaft

M26 - Overhauling oil pump

Adjusting ignition timing

Group G - Getriebe (Transmission)

G3 - Dismantling and assembling transmission

G5 - Adjusting gear control linkage

Group H - Hinterachse (Rear Axle)

H1 - Removing and refitting the rear axle

H2 - Dismantling and assembling rear axle assembly

H4 - Adjusting Chain

H6 - Replacement of chain

Group V - Vorderradaufhangung
(Front Axle)

V1 - Removing and refitting a front suspension assembly

V10/11 - Front wheel alignment, checking toe-in

Group V - Vorderradaufhangung
Front Axle - Annex For Export Model

Coming Soon - The rest, I'll be gradually updating this post until I have the complete repair manual posted.